We had to abandon our last task day of 2012 scheduled for 29 December due to the awful weather but enthusiastic volunteers decided to squeeze an extra one in to replace it this week and that was much more successful. Tasks included clearing out the remaining bedding from the Jubilee Bed and transplanting some of them to the Toilet bed. Clearing brambles and weeds from the bed to the side of the library and removing the grass and weeds from between the paving and brickwork in front of the library. Work was also done in the Breathing Places behind the library.
The chains securing the recently refurbished Senior Citizens' Bench near the Bowling Green were reconnected - thanks to The Marple Plumber for doing this for us.
Also we were very pleased to be able to complete the refurbishment of the second bench near to the Co-Op steps. This one was kindly sponsored by All Things Nice, the Marple Coffee House and Deli on Church Lane.